Many agencies start out with a lot of freelancers on their teams due to the perceived benefits. To start with, you don't have to be so involved in client work. You can also scale up and down as...
Every agency owner wants to increase the number of clients they are working with. After all, greater profitability is the overall goal. But how do you go about doing that? The answer lies in the...
70% of agencies average getting between one to three new clients per month. There are lots of different components that feed into that number, such as generating leads, establishing urgency, and...
Utilizing analytical data is prime to finding new paths from new insights using historical data.
Building long-term, exceptional value client relationships is pivotal to your agency's success.
In this episode, Robert Patin speaks with Charlotte Maldri, founder of Kafeen. Charlotte helps design agencies to create and implement marketing activities that generate new business.
In this episode, Robert Patin dives deep into ways to scale your sales operations using the proper tools. Learn how you can remove constant challenges in your day-to-day sales processes and refocus...
In this episode, Robert interviews Shaun Clark and we talk about next-level automation that helps thriving Agencies & Marketers grow.
In this episode, Robert Patin steps you through four proven components to building a robust sales value proposition.
In this episode we discuss the importance on Niching and how It has far reaching effect.