In this episode, Robert interviews Shaun Clark and we talk about next-level automation that helps thriving Agencies & Marketers grow.
In this episode, Robert Patin steps you through four proven components to building a robust sales value proposition.
One of the most disliked activities but one of the most important.
LinkedIn is an under utilized lead source. When used right it can results in a tremendous number of leads and regular leads.
Building a Profitable and Successful agency can be difficult, especially when you consider the owners time is finite.
At the core of your agency is your team, which is who makes your agency function.
A lot was learned in the past 12 months, and one of those lessons was that cash is king.
Scopes of Work or Statements of Work are at the center of the creative industry.
You Client Expectation process is key to long term happy clients and a profitable agency.
In this episode Robert Patin speaks with Sharon Toerek from Toerek Law about legal issues facing creative agencies.