Season 6 | Ep 71 | Transition From Agency Owner To CEO

If you want to build an agency that operates without you and allows you to live your desired lifestyle, you need to move from agency owner to CEO.  

In this episode of The Agency Blueprint, we discuss how data and becoming a visionary are the two things you need to transition into a CEO. We also explain why time, impact, and freedom are the three cornerstones of a business.  

Listen in to learn why you need to stop what you’re doing and start working towards where you want to be.  

Key Questions:   

  • Do you want your business to serve your life as opposed to it becoming your life? (1:16) 
  • Is the data you’re getting enabling you to monitor, measure, and consistently improve your business? (2:48) 
  • Are you empowering your team with the right information to help them help you run your agency? [15:06] 

What You’ll Discover: 

  • How to formulate the vision of your agency by creating a unified business purpose (2:54) 
  • Learn to adapt to a different role as your business continue to evolve (8:09) 
  • Get more acquainted with data points and KPIs as you get removed from the business [9:47] 
  • How to stop and start transitioning yourself to the visionary you want to be [17:09] 


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