Season 8 | Ep 93 | Revenue Share For Agencies - True Alignment

Have you considered revenue share and equity as ways to build passive income in your agency? Revenue share and equity are great ways to build alignment and accomplish wider goals with the client and your agency.  

In this episode of The Agency Blueprint, I take you through examples of agencies who’ve embraced revenue share, profit share, and equity and how it worked for them. I explain how you can turn your one-off projects or most of your projects into revenue share, profit share, and equity.  

Don’t miss this episode to learn more about this revenue-generation method and its dangers!  

Key Question:   

  • [01:40] What is a great way for you to build alignment and accomplish wider goals with your client and agency? 

What You’ll Discover: 

  • [01:18] How an agency can exchange services for a different form of payment with one-off projects.  
  • [04:40] How an agency can turn most of their projects into equity and revenue share deals and the criteria to follow.  
  • [07:15] Why revenue share, profit share, and equity are phenomenal ongoing ways to build passivity to your revenue and profit.  

    • [08:22] The danger of this method for younger agencies if not assured in their ability to produce results.  
    • [09:46] Make sure you have tremendous corporate counsel when getting into this method.