Season 7 | Ep 77 | Attract the Right Type of Clients to Your Creative Agency

How do you start attracting the right type of client to your creative agency? Having the right clients can make all the difference in your agency’s success, but it’s also not an easy task. 

In this episode of The Agency Blueprint, we discuss the different ways to help you stop chasing and start attracting your dream clients. We explain why authenticity, communication style, and building authority are some of the ways to become attractive to like-minded prospects. 

If you want to learn more about this subject, then tune in to this episode!  

Key Questions:   

  • [2:46] Are you living authentically, and is your agency projecting its values for you to attract a similar client?  
  • [7:10] How are you consistently communicating with your clients and directly speaking to their pain points?    
  • [11:52] How do you go about making it easier for your prospect to choose you?  

What You’ll Discover: 

  • [1:13] The importance of having the right energy with your client to support your growth. 
  • [2:46] Why you have to be authentic and live the values of your dream client.  
  • [4:47] Learn to use your clients’ language and speak to them in words they understand.  
  • [7:10] Be consistent in your communication and build a frequency with content production.  
  • [11:52] How to build authority and create trust for your prospect to choose you.  
  • [12:47] How to consistently add value to your prospects as a way to build a relationship.  
  • [15:54] Make sure you put the client first and recognize there’s more to it than your deliverable.  
  • [18:06] Develop a belief system that your client needs you just as much as you need them.


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